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$150,000 to help disadvantaged youth thrive

Disadvantaged youth will be given a chance to develop the tools and skills needed to thrive in school, work and life as part of Youth Opportunities’ Personal Leadership program, which has today been awarded a $150,000 Multi-Year Grant from BankSA Foundation. 


Over the course of three years, the grant will provide much-needed funding that will allow Youth Opportunities to extend its reach to at least 216 young people across South Australia through its face-to-face Personal Leadership program – empowering them to overcome challenges and develop leadership and resilience skills. 


BankSA Foundation Ambassador and BankSA State General Manager Business, David Firth, said Youth Opportunities is a worthy recipient, helping to change the pathways of disadvantaged and disengaged youth for over 25 years.


“We are extremely proud to support Youth Opportunities as it navigates the complex challenges that young people are facing, such as isolation and depression.” 


Youth Opportunities CEO, Erin Fraehrmann, said the funding from BankSA Foundation will enable them to support even more young people with the skills and tools needed to thrive, including increased motivation and improved self-esteem. 


“Our program is founded on the belief that a person can gain success, wellbeing, and happiness if they acquire the tools of thinking and action, but we do rely on support from organisations, such as BankSA Foundation, and the kindness of individuals to make this happen. 


The $150,000 BankSA Foundation Multi-Year Grant will enable Youth Opportunities to deliver its Personal Leadership Program to at least 216 young people aged 15-16 from South Australian schools where there is a significant level of disadvantage. Educators will also work with and compliment the selected schools, and the curriculum, to ensure students are adequately supported in all areas of wellbeing, resilience, and positive habits. 


BankSA Foundation launched the multi-year grant program in 2018, with the most recent recipient being Operation Flinders Foundation. 


Now two-thirds of the way into the partnership, Operation Flinders Foundation has successfully piloted and launched its ‘Step Out’ individual referral program which is available to all suitable and eligible applicants living in greater Adelaide.


Step Out is designed for an array of young people ranging from those presenting challenging behaviours from complex backgrounds to those who may just need some extra guidance and support.


BankSA Foundation’s Multi-Year Grant has directly supported 44 young people to participate in the Step Out program since it was piloted in 2020. 


BankSA Foundation CEO, Lisa Grinham said the Foundation’s Multi-Year Grant programs provide funding over three years to allow organisations, like Youth Opportunities and Operation Flinders Foundation, to strengthen their programs and reach more young people in need. 


Further background:

BankSA Foundation has developed a proud history of charitable and community support since 1941 when bank staff first agreed to donate part of their wages to send comfort parcels to colleagues serving in the armed forces.


More than 80 years on from its inception, BankSA Foundation has donated more than $10 million to small local charities, including almost $1.5 million in the last five years, thanks to the ongoing generosity of BankSA employees through workplace giving and fundraising.  


Published November 2022